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Lab Work & Imaging


Lab work will be determined after a proper history and examination. Testing may involve, blood, bloodspot (finger prick), urine, stool, and/or saliva testing, depending on the need. Since we operate under a disease prevention model,  we can not show medical necessity for the advance, bleeding-edge, predictive tests to prevent disease and to address physiology before pathology.  Therefore, our testing is NOT covered by any insurance.

Inital Laboratory test for a new patient, through our heavily discounted laboratory partners and valued at more than $6000 can run between $600 - $1200 depending on which labs are needed. This does not include followup testing, or advanced test which may be indicated after the consultation and examination.

Patients wanting to get laboratory work covered by insurance are encouraged to seek the care of a primary care provider in your network. The doctor ordering the test is ultimately responsible for the care of the patient.  


Some imaging may be covered by insurance if it is medically necessary. Patients, however, are informed that medical insurance has a convoluted process to decide when and if a patient has jumped through the necessary hurdles before a test like and MRI is approved. 

Since this is the case, we have procured collaborations with several imaging centers to offer our patients a cash discount, where an MRI traditionally would bill to insurance or the the patient for $2000, would be discounted to $500, for example.